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SNES OffsetTypeGameLengthDescription
$7E:0000MiscellaneousSuper Mario Bros. 18 bytesScratch RAM for many subroutines
$7E:0009CounterSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteFrame Counter
$7E:000AFlagSuper Mario Bros. 13 bytesPlayer action data.

Note that these flags are not mirrors of SNES controller flags. They merely signify which states the player is experiencing. For example, the Jump flag can be set by whatever button maps to jumping. Also, the flag is set only by the controller of the current player.
$7E:000A1 bytesBit flags: JD000000
J - Jump button
D - Dash button
$7E:000B1 bytesBit flags: 0000UD00
U - Up button
D - Down button
$7E:000C1 bytesBit flags: 000000LR
L - Left flag
R - Right flag
$7E:000DFlagSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteSaves the value of $7E:000A (jump/run flags) from the previous frame.
$7E:000FPlayer ActionSuper Mario Bros. 11 bytePlayer's current action (Entering pipe, fade to image before level, vine, etc.)
$7E:0010CounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteFrame Counter
$7E:0011Stripe ImageSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteLayer image upload
$7E:0012PositionSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteWhich screen number the player is in. TODO: Verify, editing this seems to screw with the level drawing
$7E:0014PlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 bytePlayer's X-position, high byte.
$7E:0014FlagSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteLevel completed flag.
$7E:0015SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprites' X-position, high byte.
$7E:0015CounterSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteFrame counter.
$7E:0016Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteBrightness. Does not affect the statusbar on the overworld.
$7E:001CTimerHall screen1 byteNumber of frames to show intro logo.

Is initially set to #$81.

At #$61, the logo will flash.
$7E:001EPlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 bytePlayer's Y-position, high byte.
$7E:001FSpritesSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprites' Y-position, high byte.
$7E:0022LevelSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteHow many screens the level has.
$7E:0022TimerGame select screen1 byteAmount of time to wait until the "Super Mario All-Stars" text flashes.
$7E:0022TimerHall screen1 byteTimer for various things.

1. Number of frames to show each flash state during intro logo flashing
$7E:0023CounterGame select screen1 byteWhat step we are in, in the flashing "Super Mario All-Stars" text.
$7E:0023IndexHall screen1 byteWhich "flash" frame of the intro logo to be on. This value is used as an index for writing palette data to the intro logo to give an animated "flash" effect.
$7E:0024FlagHall screen1 byteFlag for various animation timers. When set, the animation timers will begin.

1. Flash animation for intro logo
$7E:0027FlagHall screen1 byteIs #$10 if the start button has been pressed by either controller, otherwise #$00.
$7E:0028PlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 bytePlayer's X position, low byte
$7E:0029SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprites' X-position, low byte. First three bytes also used for movement of bonus slots. 00 = stop, 01 = slowing down, 02-FF = not slowing down.
$7E:0031PointersSuper Mario Bros. 33 bytesPointer to current current level's sprite data (SNES Address, Little endian)
$7E:0032PlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 bytePlayer's Y-Position, low byte
$7E:0033SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprites' Y-position, low byte. $7E0038-9 is speed of bonus slot 1's images. $7E003A-B is speed of bonus slot 2's images.
$7E:003CSpeedSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteSpeed of one of bonus slot 3's images. Also used for player's speed.
$7E:003DSpritesSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprite X speed table. $3D is also used for speed of the other of bonus slot 3's images.
$7E:0042X PositionSuper Mario Bros. 12 bytesX-Position of screen
$7E:0044SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 39 bytesSprite X position, high byte.

TODO: Verify length
$7E:0046PlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 bytePlayer's Y-speed
$7E:0046PlayerSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteFacing direction of player
1 - right
2 - left
$7E:0047SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprite Y speed table
$7E:0047X PositionSuper Mario Bros. 31 bytePlayer overworld X-position.
$7E:004CDirectionSuper Mario Bros. 31 bytePlayer's direction on the overworld.
$7E:0051SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprite status table. 00 = non-existant/init, 01 = main, 02 = falling from screen, 03 = flat, 04 = explode, 05 = disappear in a puff of smoke, 06 = dissolving sand, 07 = stop interacting, 08 = disappear in two puffs of smoke, 09 = disappear abruptly
$7E:0056SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 39 bytesSprite Y position, high byte.

TODO: Verify length
$7E:005AFlagSuper Mario Bros. 31 byte"Players spins in the overworld" flag (e.g. when player dies and gets placed to the latest checkpoint)
$7E:005CLevel DataSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteMap Type
$00 - Underwater
$01 - Normal
$02 - Underground
$03 - Castle

This address always has the same value as $7E:00BA.
$7E:005DX SpeedSuper Mario Bros. 11 bytePlayer's X Speed
$7E:005EX PositionSuper Mario Bros. 31 bytePlayer X-position in the level, low byte
$7E:005FSpritesSuper Mario Bros. 39 bytesSprite X position, low byte.

TODO: Verify length
$7E:0060Sound EffectGame select screen4 bytesSPC700 I/O Ports. Write values to play music/sound effects.
$7E:0070Y PositionSuper Mario Bros. 31 bytePlayer Y-position in the level, low byte.

TODO: Also related to OW 'player spawns' stars (those spinning ones), 34 bytes.
$7E:0071SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 39 bytesSprite Y position, low byte.

TODO: Verify length
$7E:0082PlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of time to remain in a player state.
$7E:008BSpeedSuper Mario Bros. 31 bytePlayer X-speed
$7E:008CSpritesSuper Mario Bros. 39 bytesSprite X speed.

TODO: Verify length
$7E:008FPlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteCurrent player. #$00 = Mario; #$01 = Peach; #$02 = Toad; #$03 = Luigi.
$7E:0090Sprite NumberSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprite num table
$7E:009CFlagSuper Mario Bros. 21 bytePlayer holding item flag ($01 = Holding.)
$7E:009DPlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 bytePlayer's Direction ($00 = Left, $01 = Right)
$7E:009DY SpeedSuper Mario Bros. 31 bytePlayer Y-speed
$7E:009ESpritesSuper Mario Bros. 39 bytesSprite Y speed.

TODO: Verify length
$7E:00A0Y SpeedSuper Mario Bros. 11 bytePlayer's Y Speed
$7E:00A2CounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAlternative Frame Counter (Stops at times)
$7E:00A8SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprite is picked up table. 07 = sprite = bottom at player, 01 = top, 00 = normal state
$7E:00ABPointersSuper Mario Bros. 33 bytesPointer to 24-bit RAM address which contains the windowing HDMA table used for various effects.

Seems to alternate between $7F:9000 and $7F:9200.
$7E:00BAFlagSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteCurrent background palette and music.
$00 - Light blue background with underwater music
$01 - Light blue background with normal world music
$02 - Black background with underground music
$03 - Black background with castle music

This address always has the same value as $7E:005C.
$7E:00BBMiscellaneousSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteSomething related about OW powerup get? ($07 + higher= glitch)

TODO: Verify
$7E:00BDDirectionSuper Mario Bros. 31 bytePlayer direction ($40 = right)
$7E:00D0IndexHall screen1 byteSelected game index in the Game Select screen
$7E:00D1IndexHall screen1 byteSelected file index in the File Select screen
$7E:00D9PointersSuper Mario Bros. 22 bytes16-bit pointer to Layer 1 room data.
$7E:00DBLevel DataSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteAn index value signifying the Layer 2 Background map to use.
$7E:00DEVRAM TilemapHall screen1 byteIf non-zero $7F:0000 will get uploaded to BG1's tilemap.
$7E:00DEFlagGame select screen1 byteIf non-zero, $7F:8000 will be uploaded to BG1's tilemap.
$7E:00E2X PositionSuper Mario Bros. 38 bytesExtended sprite X-position, high byte.
$7E:00E3TimerGame select screen1 byteAmount of time left on title screen.
$7E:00E3TimerHall screen2 bytesTimer for showing the current hall screen state (blackout) or (lightened).

#$011A - First blackout time
#$044A - First lightened time
$7E:00EBFlagSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteHorizontal level flag. #$00 = Vertical level; #$01 = Horizontal level.
$7E:00EBClippingSuper Mario Bros. 11 bytePlayer's vertical hitbox size for object interactions? $0E = Small Mario, $00 = Big Mario, $07 = Swimming Big Mario.

TODO: Verify this address
$7E:00F0PointersSuper Mario Bros. 23 bytesIndirect pointer to load a layer image from. Controlled by $11.
$7E:00F0Hardware MirrorGame select screen1 byteMirror of $7E:4219 - Controller Port 1 Data1 Register high byte.

This mirror is for controller data from the current frame.
$7E:00F1Hardware MirrorGame select screen1 byteMirror of $7E:421B - Controller Port 2 Data1 Register high byte.

This mirror is for controller data from the current frame.
$7E:00F2Hardware MirrorGame select screen1 byteMirror of $7E:4218 - Controller Port 1 Data1 Register low byte.

This mirror is for controller data from the current frame.
$7E:00F3Hardware MirrorGame select screen1 byteMirror of $7E:421A - Controller Port 2 Data1 Register low byte.

This mirror is for controller data from the current frame.
$7E:00F4Hardware MirrorGame select screen1 byteMirror of $7E:4219 - Controller Port 1 Data1 Register high byte.

This mirror is for controller data that was set on the current frame but was clear on the previous frame. Basically, this determines which buttons were pressed on this frame while not having been held on the last frame.
$7E:00F5Hardware MirrorGame select screen1 byteMirror of $7E:421B - Controller Port 2 Data1 Register high byte.

This mirror is for controller data that was set on the current frame but was clear on the previous frame. Basically, this determines which buttons were pressed on this frame while not having been held on the last frame.
$7E:00F6Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteController Data 1. AXSPUDLR. All frames.
$7E:00F6Hardware MirrorGame select screen1 byteMirror of $7E:4218 - Controller Port 1 Data1 Register low byte.

This mirror is for controller data that was set on the current frame but was clear on the previous frame. Basically, this determines which buttons were pressed on this frame while not having been held on the last frame.
$7E:00F7Hardware MirrorGame select screen1 byteMirror of $7E:421A - Controller Port 2 Data1 Register low byte.

This mirror is for controller data that was set on the current frame but was clear on the previous frame. Basically, this determines which buttons were pressed on this frame while not having been held on the last frame.
$7E:00F8Hardware MirrorGame select screen1 byteMirror of $7E:4219 - Controller Port 1 Data1 Register high byte.

This mirror is for controller data from the previous frame.
$7E:00F9Hardware MirrorGame select screen1 byteMirror of $7E:421B - Controller Port 2 Data1 Register high byte.

This mirror is for controller data from the previous frame.
$7E:00FAHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteController Data 2. AXSPUDLR. 1 frame.
$7E:00FAPointersSuper Mario Bros. 13 bytes24-bit pointer to current level's objects, and their positions (SNES Address, Little endian)
$7E:00FAHardware MirrorGame select screen1 byteMirror of $7E:4218 - Controller Port 1 Data1 Register low byte.

This mirror is for controller data from the previous frame.
$7E:00FBHardware MirrorGame select screen1 byteMirror of $7E:421A - Controller Port 2 Data1 Register low byte.

This mirror is for controller data from the previous frame.
$7E:00FDPointersSuper Mario Bros. 13 bytes24-bit pointer to current level's sprites, and their positions (SNES Address, Little endian)
$7E:00FDCounterGame select screen1 byteFrame counter.
$7E:00FDCounterHall screen1 byteFrame counter.
$7E:00FEHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteBrightness Register
$7E:00FFHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteNMI / Joypad Enable
$7E:0100Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $7E:2100 - Screen Display
$7E:0100Hardware MirrorGame select screen1 byteScreen brightness.
$7E:0101IndexSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteIRQ Mode index? Valid values are: { 80 40 20 60 A0 55 75 95 }

TODO: seems like this goes bitwise. Figure it out. Also, figure out what each IRQ mode is.
$7E:0101Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $7E:2101 - Object Size and Chr Size
$7E:0102Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2105: BG Mode and Character Size
$7E:0103Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2106: Screen Pixelation
$7E:0104Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2107: BG1 Tilemap Address and Size
$7E:0105Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2108: BG2 Tilemap Address and Size
$7E:0106Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2109: BG3 Tilemap Address and Size
$7E:0107Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $210B: Mirror of BG1 and 2 Chr Address
$7E:0108Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $210D: BG1 Horizontal Scroll
This value represents the low byte address and is written to the register first.
$7E:0109Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $210D: BG1 Horizontal Scroll
This value represents the high byte address and is written to the register second.
$7E:010AHardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $210E: BG1 Vertical Scroll
This value represents the low byte address and is written to the register first.
$7E:010BFlagSuper Mario Bros. 11 byte"Three byte object" flag when loading level data
$7E:010BHardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $210E: BG1 Vertical Scroll
This value represents the high byte address and is written to the register second.
$7E:010CHardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $210F: BG2 Horizontal Scroll
This value represents the low byte address and is written to the register first.
$7E:010DHardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $210F: BG2 Horizontal Scroll
This value represents the high byte address and is written to the register second.
$7E:010EHardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2110: BG2 Vertical Scroll
This value represents the low byte address and is written to the register first.
$7E:010FHardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2110: BG2 Vertical Scroll
This value represents the high byte address and is written to the register second.
$7E:0110Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2111: BG3 Horizontal Scroll
This value represents the low byte address and is written to the register first.
$7E:0111Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2111: BG3 Horizontal Scroll
This value represents the high byte address and is written to the register second.
$7E:0112Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2112: BG3 Vertical Scroll
This value represents the low byte address and is written to the register first.
$7E:0113Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2112: BG3 Vertical Scroll
This value represents the high byte address and is written to the register second.
$7E:0114Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2123: Window Mask Settings for BG1 and BG2
$7E:0115Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2124: Window Mask Settings for BG3 and BG4
$7E:0116Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2125: Window Mask Settings for OBJ and Color Window
$7E:0117Hardware MirrorGame select screen1 byteMirror of $212C (Main screen designation).
$7E:0117Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $212C: Main Screen Designation
$7E:0118Hardware MirrorGame select screen1 byteMirror of $212D (Sub screen designation).
$7E:0118Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $212D: Subscreen Designation
$7E:0119Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $212E: Window Mask Designation for the Main Screen
$7E:011AHardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $212F: Window Mask Designation for the Subscreen
$7E:011BHardware MirrorGame select screen1 byteMirror of $2130 (Color Addition Select).
$7E:011BHardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2130: Color addition select
$7E:011CHardware MirrorGame select screen1 byteMiror of $2131 (Color math designation).
$7E:011CHardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2131: Color math designation
$7E:011DHardware MirrorGame select screen3 bytesMirror of $2132 (Fixed Color Data).

$011D - Red fixed color component.
$011E - Green fixed color component.
$011F - Blue fixed color component.
$7E:011DHardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2132: Fixed color data
This value is written to the mirror first.
$7E:011EHardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2132: Fixed color data
This value is written to the mirror second.
$7E:011FHardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $2132: Fixed color data
This value is written to the mirror third.
$7E:0120Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $7E:420C - HDMA Enable
$7E:0121MiscellaneousHall screen1 byteValue is always $7E:0124 & #$FE, but is never read in-game.
$7E:0122FlagHall screen1 byte"Main program loop initialize" flag.

This flag is set during NMI. Once set, the game will go through its main program loop. When the loop is finished, it will clear the flag and wait for NMI to set it again before continuing.
$7E:0124CounterGame select screen2 bytesIRQ Vertical timer. Writes to $4209 and $420A. Used to keep the "Select v Game" box at a static position.
$7E:0124FlagHall screen1 byteGeneral IRQ flag. If set, IRQ mode registers will be enabled
$7E:0125Hardware MirrorHall screen1 byteMirror of $7E:4209 - V-timer low byte.
$7E:0154FlagSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteIf the value in it is not zero, run the actual game; otherwise, loop forever. It's set to a non-zero value during NMI, and it's set to zero after the game mode has been run, so that the game runs exactly once a frame - one NMI trigger per frame.
$7E:0156StackSuper Mario Bros. 1170 bytesStack RAM area reserved for SMAS SMB1.
$7E:0160PlayerSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteDebug RAM. Setting it to $80 will allow you to cycle through Mario's power-ups by using select. You can also press A / B / X / Y and Select to toggle the Kuribo's Shoe power-up.
$7E:0200Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 22 bytesBG 1 X position
$7E:0200Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteWindow Mask Settings for BG1 and BG2
$7E:0200IndexHall screen1 byteTilemap index for animating Luigi's head
$7E:0201Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteWindow Mask Settings for BG3 and BG4
$7E:0201IndexHall screen1 byteTilemap index for animating Luigi's right hand
$7E:0202Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 22 bytesBG 2 X position
$7E:0202Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteWindow Mask Settings for OBJ and Color Window
$7E:0202IndexHall screen1 byteTilemap index for animating Peach's head
$7E:0203Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteColor Addition Select
$7E:0203IndexHall screen1 byteTilemap index for animating Toad
$7E:0204Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 22 bytesBG 3 X position
$7E:0204Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteColor math designation
$7E:0204IndexHall screen1 byteTilemap index for animating Birdo's eyes.
This animation sequence was cut from the final game.
$7E:0205Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteFixed Color Data (red)
$7E:0205IndexHall screen1 byteTilemap index for animating Birdo's right arm
$7E:0206Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 22 bytesBG 1 Y Position, works together with $04C6 (low byte)
$7E:0206Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteFixed Color Data (green)
$7E:0206IndexHall screen1 byteTilemap index for animating Birdo's tail
$7E:0207Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteFixed Color Data (blue)
$7E:0207IndexHall screen1 byteTilemap index for animating Gommba's head.
This animation sequence was cut from the final game.
$7E:0208Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 22 bytesBG 2 Y position
$7E:0208Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteMain Screen Designation
$7E:0208IndexHall screen1 byteTilemap index for animating Bob-omb's fuse.
This animation sequence was cut from the final game.
$7E:0209Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteSubscreen Designation
$7E:0209IndexHall screen1 byteTilemap index for animating Spiney's head.
This animation sequence was cut from the final game.
$7E:020AHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 22 bytesBG 3 Y position
$7E:020AHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteWindow Mask Designation for the Main Screen
$7E:020AIndexHall screen1 byteTilemap index for animating Pidgit.
$7E:020BHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteWindow Mask Designation for the Subscreen
$7E:020BIndexHall screen1 byteTilemap index for animating Mario's head.

Also acts as a flag to animate Mario's left arm on frame 0 and frame 6.

Resets after 10 frames
$7E:020CPowerupSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteWhich powerup the current powerup entity is. ($00 = Mushroom, $01 = Fireflower, $02 = Star, $03 = 1-up)

Note: You can only have one powerup on the screen, hence this address is a single byte.
$7E:020CClippingSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteBG Mode and Character Size
$7E:020CIndexHall screen1 byteTilemap index for animating Mario's left arm.
$7E:020DHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteScreen Pixelation
$7E:020DIndexHall screen1 byteTilemap index for animating Bowser's left arm.
$7E:020EGraphicsSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteBG mode of statusbar (Mode 1 by default)
$7E:020FHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteMain screen designation of statusbar
$7E:0210X PositionSuper Mario Bros. 32 bytesBG1 Horizontal Scroll position

TODO: maybe break up into 2 sub addresses for low and high byte
$7E:0214Hardware MirrorHall screen2 bytesBG1 Vertical scroll (IRQ) in Game Select screen
$7E:0214Hardware MirrorGame select screen2 bytesMirror of $7E:210D - BG1 horizontal scroll.

The low byte is written first and then the high byte is written second.

This mirror is only applied during IRQ.
$7E:0216TimerHall screen1 byteBG1 IRQ scroll timer in Game Select screen. This timer is used when scrolling right.
$7E:0217TimerHall screen1 byteBG1 IRQ scroll timer in Game Select screen. This timer is used when scrolling left.
$7E:0218CounterHall screen1 byteScroll index in Game Select menu. Increments by 1 when scrolling right, decrements by 1 when scrolling left.
$7E:0219FlagHall screen1 byte"File Select mode" flag
$7E:021AFlagHall screen1 byte"File Select open/close" flag. When set, the File Select menu will either open if closed, or close if opened.
$7E:021BTimerHall screen128 bytes"File Select open/close" timer. Counts the number of frames remaining to continue opening/closing the File Select menu.
$7E:0220FlagHall screen1 byte"File Select menu open" flag. When set, the File Select menu in the Game Select screen is open.
$7E:0223TimerHall screen1 byteWait time before fading out the screen after a game has been selected.
$7E:0224FlagHall screen1 byte"Begin gameplay" flag. Becomes set as soon as the player chooses a file in the Game Select screen. The flag is set to #$29 because it is set at the same time the "Begin gameplay" SFX is loaded (which is also #$29).
$7E:0225FlagHall screen1 byteWhen $7E:00E3 decrements to this value, the timer delay for the next shine effect on the ALL-STARS logo in the intro will be set.
$7E:0235Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteWindow Mask for BG1 & BG2
$7E:0236Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteWindow Mask for BG3 & BG4
$7E:0236FlagSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteGrow a vine in start of level flag.
$7E:0237Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteWindow Mask for OBJ & COL
$7E:0237Y PositionSuper Mario Bros. 11 bytePlayer's Y Position
$7E:0238Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteColor addition select
$7E:0239Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteCGADSUB settings
$7E:023AHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteHDMA Enable
$7E:023BHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteWindow Mask Desig. Main Screen
$7E:023DHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 23 bytesRGB Values for backdrop color
$7E:0243Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteMain Screen Designation
$7E:024BHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteV-count for IRQ. Starry BG appears at screen load.
$7E:024CHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteBG1 Tilemap Address & Size
$7E:028CFlagSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteFlag to disable scenery graphics animation and most of the background animations.
$7E:028CFlagSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteShows the Game Over dialogue on the overworld.
$7E:02A9FlagSuper Mario Bros. 21 byte(Don't) update palettes flag.
$7E:02C5Level DataSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteLayer 2 Palette, written upon level load.
$00 -

TODO: List of possible values.
$7E:02DFPointersSuper Mario Bros. 23 bytesLayer 2 Map16 data pointer.
$7E:02E0SpeedSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteSomething related about Mario running at full speed

TODO: Figure out what
$7E:0350Level DataSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteLayer 2 Background, written upon level load.
$7E:0367TimerSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteIndex to ROM table $03:D6F1 (timer delay for next Bowser fireball). Increases as a bowser fireball is launched
$7E:037CMiscellaneousSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteUsed by the 'slot machine' minigame to determine xposition of the parts.

TODO: What exactly is this address for?
$7E:03A2TimerSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteHammer bros hammer throw timer?

TODO: Verify
$7E:0400VRAM TilemapHall screen896 bytes"File Select tileset" buffer
$7E:0422CounterSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteAmount of coins added to the coin counter (so setting this to $02 will add 2 coins to the coin counter).
$7E:0428FlagSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteSetting this to $01 in a level gives the player the star powerup for the default amount of time.

Setting this in the overworld will give the player the star powerup on the overworld, to be applied when you enter a level.
$7E:0429PlayerSuper Mario Bros. 31 bytePlayer's image on the overworld. Values:
$00 = Small
$01 = Big
$02 = Big
$03 = Leaf
$04 = Frog
$05 = Tanooki
$06 = Hammer
$07 = Jugem's Cloud
$08 = P-Wing
$09 and higher = Glitch

Does not affect the powerup upon level entrance.
Palette does not update when changing image.
$7E:04B5FlagSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteCrystal ball has been collected flag, height of opened mouth of hawkmouth.
$7E:04B7CounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteHow long the dark potion rooms last.
$7E:04C3CounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteHP count. (Red hearts.)
$7E:04C4MiscellaneousSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of hearts to show + 2.
$7E:04C6Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteBG 1 Y (low byte) position, works together with $0206. Used for effects such as the POW.
$7E:04E1TimerSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteFlashing timer, can kill enemies.
$7E:04E8CounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAccumulative level number to continue on.
$7E:04E9Level DataSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteCurrent room to continue on.
$7E:04EALevel DataSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteScreen number to continue on.
$7E:04EDLevel DataSuper Mario Bros. 21 byte0 = don't go out of level, 1 = go to player select screen, 2 = go to Game Over screen, 3 = go to bonus game, 4-FF = go to warp screen.
$7E:04EECounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteCurrent amount of lives.
$7E:04EFMiscellaneousSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteJar type. 0 = warp jar, 1 = regular jar, 2 = 'enclosed' jar
$7E:0500SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of time sprites are frozen. (Stopwatch.)
$7E:0533Level DataSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAccumulative level number
$7E:0534Level DataSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteCurrent room
$7E:0535Level DataSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteScreen number to start out on.
$7E:0551TimerSuper Mario Bros. 31 bytePlayer growing/shrinking animation timer. $30 is the maximum value.

Does not apply to other animations (smoke animation, fireflower animation, etc.)
$7E:0552TimerSuper Mario Bros. 31 bytePlayer is hurt flag (flashing after they get hit)
$7E:0553TimerSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteStar power timer. Does not adjust the music.
$7E:0554TimerSuper Mario Bros. 31 bytePlayer turns into smoke timer. (When you get Leaf, Tanooki suit etc.)
$7E:0555TimerSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteMario changes pallette rapidly timer (When you get fireflower)
$7E:0556TimerSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteEverything freezes timer (Activates when Mario gets hit)
$7E:0557TimerSuper Mario Bros. 31 bytePlayer kicks object image timer
$7E:0558TimerSuper Mario Bros. 31 bytePlayer faces screen image timer
$7E:0559TimerSuper Mario Bros. 31 bytePlayer walks to the right in level end timer (Activates when only on ground)
$7E:055ATimerSuper Mario Bros. 31 bytePlayer walking towards doomship timer (during that one cutscene).
$7E:0566GeneratorSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteGenerator number. Valid values:
00 - nothing
01 - flying Cheep-Cheeps
02 - spiny Cheep-Cheeps
03 - ? (turns off generator and does something else...)
04 - Para-Beetles (red and green)
05 - moving background clouds?
06 - left-moving falling platforms
07 - exit on treasure chest obtain?
08 - turns off generators?

TODO: Verify values 05, 07, and 08 and check out 03.
$7E:0578PowerupSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteCurrent player's powerup.

List of powerup values:
$00 - Small
$01 - Small
$02 - Big
$03 - Fiery
$04 - Raccoon
$05 - Frog
$06 - Tanooki
$07 - Hammer
$20 - Tanooki statue
$7E:057ATimerSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteTanooki Player's statue mode timer. Makes the player lose statue mode once it hits 00.
$7E:05A5TimerSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteHow long it takes Phanto to initially take off after grabbing a key. Starts at #$A0
$7E:05BFY PositionSuper Mario Bros. 38 bytesExtended sprite Y-position, low byte.

TODO: Verify length
$7E:05C9X PositionSuper Mario Bros. 38 bytesExtended sprite X position, low byte

TODO: Verify length
$7E:05E0TimerSuper Mario Bros. 33 bytesCurrent level timer (example: $03 $02 $05 = 325 seconds left)
$7E:0620FlagSuper Mario Bros. 21 byte1UP has been collected flag.
$7E:0628Level DataSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteIn potion room or not. #$00 = regular level, #$01 = jar, #$02 = potion room.
$7E:0629Level DataSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteLevel number without world number added
$7E:062ACounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of cherries collected
$7E:062BCounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of coins you have for the bonus game
$7E:062DLevel DataSuper Mario Bros. 24 bytesAmount of levels completed per character table.
$7E:0635WorldSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteWorld number.
$7E:0671SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 38 bytesSprite number.

TODO: Verify length; include list?
$7E:06A1Map16Super Mario Bros. 112 bytesMap16 tile to draw on the screen? One byte is one 16 pixels high 'line' on the screen.

"What 16x16 block covers non-written tiles in a level (consult Map16.png for list of 16x16 tiles)."

TODO: Verify
$7E:06C2PlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 bytePlayer is shrinking or growing
$7E:06CBGeneratorSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteWhich generator to activate.
$7E:06CCFlagSuper Mario Bros. 11 byte"Hard mode" flag. This flag is set at W5-3 and modifies sprites (makes platforms smaller and have bullet generators, etc.)
$7E:0714FlagSuper Mario Bros. 11 bytePlayer is ducking flag. $04 = duck, $00 = normal. Unwritten when player is small.
$7E:0715RoutineSuper Mario Bros. 33 bytesCurrent player's score
$7E:071AX PositionSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteScreen number - 1 (in hex; increments when $7E:0726 is 1, not 0).
$7E:071BX SpeedSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteScreen number (in hex; increments when $7E:0726 is 1, not 0).
$7E:0720VRAMSuper Mario Bros. 12 bytesHandles drawing of the layer 1 tiles? Adding 1 to it moves every layer 1 stuff to the left 1 8x8 tile.

"Is 0x04 on every odd numbered page and 0x00 on even."

TODO: Verify
$7E:0727WorldSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteCurrent world
$7E:072CObjectsSuper Mario Bros. 12 bytesTotal number of objects (adds per byte by object).
$7E:073FX PositionSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteBG1 X Position low byte.
$7E:0740Y PositionSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteBG1 Y Position low byte.
$7E:0743FlagSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteCloud bonus game level type flag (also replaces most objects with clouds as the level progresses).
$7E:0744PointersSuper Mario Bros. 23 bytesLayer 3 Map16 data pointer.
$7E:0746CounterSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteFlagpole timer->score conversion controller? $00 = nothing, 01 = Begin countdown, 02 = continue countdown, 03 = fireworks, 04-05 - fade out?

TODO: Verify this address
$7E:0747TimerSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteEverything freezes timer (when the player get a powerup or dies for example).
$7E:074DSpritesSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteNumber of pixels that a sprite has moved along the X- or Y-axis. It is set during the routine that updates a sprite's position based on its speed.
$7E:074EGraphicsSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteEnable Layer 3 image. Also controls which Layer 3 image to load.
$7E:074FSpritesSuper Mario Bros. 39 bytesSprite X position fractional bits.

TODO: Verify length
$7E:0761SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 39 bytesSprite Y position fractional bits.

TODO: Verify length
$7E:0772FlagSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteLayer 3 transparency flag. (Layer 3 in front of Layer 2) Used for light beams in cave levels.
$7E:0773VRAMSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteStripe image uploader destination VRAM address index. Indexes the tables at $0382DE (VRAM low byte) and $0382F1 (VRAM high byte).
$7E:0775Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteBG Mode / Character Size / Layer 3 priority
$7E:0782TimerSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of times 'No Bonus' should flash. (Up to 7F)
$7E:0783TimerSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of frames 'No Bonus' remains present or not. (00 slowest, 01 fastest)
$7E:078ATimerSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of time to wait before changing music back to the original level music again. Used for several occasions like the Crystal Ball collecting scene.
$7E:0800OAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 2544 bytesOAM table.
$7E:0800OAM TilemapHall screen512 bytesOAM low table mirror
$7E:0A00OAM TilemapHall screen32 bytesOAM high table mirror (actual).
$7E:0A20OAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 2128 bytesTable that determines the size of a sprite's tile - 8x8 (#$00) or 16x16 (#$02). Each byte corresponds to 4 OAM bytes. Stores to $0A00-$0A1F (where each 2 bits correspond to 4 OAM bytes.)
$7E:0A20OAM TilemapHall screen128 bytesOAM high table mirror (expanded).

Each byte only sets the lowest two bits that then get inserted into $7E:0A00.
$7E:0AC0FlagHall screen1 byteIf non-zero CGRAM will update (transfer $7F:9200 to CGRAM).
$7E:0AC0FlagGame select screen1 byteIf non-zero CGRAM will update (transfer $7F:9200 to CGRAM).
$7E:0B00PaletteSuper Mario Bros. 2512 bytesCGRAM (palette) table.
$7E:1000PaletteSuper Mario Bros. 1512 bytesLevel Palette
$7E:1019CounterSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteAn unused counter variable which controls how many times you get to play the Spade minigame. Setting the value to any value besides 00 during the game will allow you to keep trying until either you win, or the counter reaches zero (whichever comes first). Simply press A, B, or Start to spin the reels again.
$7E:116CVRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 214 bytesLine of white squares to display how many levels there are in current world. 2 bytes per tile. 1st byte = tilemap, 2nd byte = properties.
$7E:118EVRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteWorld number in beginning of level display tilemap
$7E:118FVRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteWorld number in beginning of level display properties
$7E:1190VRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteDash in beginning of level display tilemap
$7E:1191VRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteDash in beginning of level display properties
$7E:1192VRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteLevel number in beginning of level display tilemap
$7E:1193VRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteLevel number in beginning of level display properties
$7E:11B4CounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of lives in char. select, 10s
$7E:11B5VRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteProperties of lives in char. select, 10s
$7E:11B6CounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of lives in char. select, 1s
$7E:11B7VRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteProperties of lives in char. select, 1s
$7E:11BDVRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 26 bytesTilemap and properties of number of 'World
$7E:1200Sound EffectSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteSound effects channel 1
$7E:1201Sound EffectSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteSound effects channel 2
$7E:1202MusicSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteCurrent music number. Write $F2 to lower the volume.
$7E:1203Sound EffectSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteSound effects channel 3
$7E:1300PaletteSuper Mario Bros. 3512 bytesA buffer for the entire palette, both in levels and on the overworld. It may be uploaded to CGRAM depending on $1500.
$7E:1408CounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of coins in bonus game, 10s (if low byte is a blank tile, this is used as 1s)
$7E:1409VRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteProperties of coins in bonus game, 10s
$7E:140ACounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of coins in bonus game, 1s
$7E:140BVRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteProperties of coins in bonus game, 1s
$7E:142ACounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of lives in bonus game, 10s
$7E:142BVRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteProperties of lives in bonus game, 10s
$7E:142CCounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of lives in bonus game, 1s
$7E:142DVRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteProperties of lives in bonus game, 1s
$7E:1500PaletteSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteA flag that determines whether or not to upload the data at $1300. If this is nonzero, $1300-$14FF will be uploaded to CGRAM and $1500 will be cleared to zero. The relevant check is at $20F923.
$7E:1600Sound EffectSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteSound effect channel 1
$7E:1601Sound EffectSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteSound effect channel 2
$7E:1602MusicSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteMusic channel
$7E:1603Sound EffectSuper Mario Bros. 11 byteSound effect channel 3
$7E:1A25Y PositionSuper Mario Bros. 39 bytesSprite Y position, low byte

TODO: Verify length
$7E:1A2DX PositionSuper Mario Bros. 39 bytesSprite X position, high byte

TODO: Verify length
$7E:1A35X PositionSuper Mario Bros. 39 bytesSprite X position, low byte

TODO: Verify length
$7E:1CFEMiscellaneousSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteSomething related to Magic Wand's image

TODO: Verify. Is there really a RAM address for something trivial like this?
$7E:1D80PowerupSuper Mario Bros. 328 bytesWhat items Player 1 has on the overworld.
$00 = Nothing
$01 = Mushroom
$02 = Fire Flower
$03 = Leaf
$04 = Frog Suit
$05 = Tanooki suit
$06 = Hammer suit
$07 = Jugem's Cloud
$08 = P-wing
$09 = Star
$0A = Anchor
$0B = Hammer
$0C = Warp Whistle
$0D = Music box
$0E-$FF = unused
$7E:1D9CPowerupSuper Mario Bros. 328 bytesWhat items Player 2 has on the overworld.
$00 = Nothing
$01 = Mushroom
$02 = Fire Flower
$03 = Leaf
$04 = Frog Suit
$05 = Tanooki suit
$06 = Hammer suit
$07 = Jugem's Cloud
$08 = P-wing
$09 = Star
$0A = Anchor
$0B = Hammer
$0C = Warp Whistle
$0D = Music box
$0E-$FF = unused
$7E:1DA2CounterSuper Mario Bros. 31 byteCurrent player's coins
$7E:1DE0MusicSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteSFX panel 1
$7E:1DE1MusicSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteSFX panel 2
$7E:1DE2MusicSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteCurrent Music
$7E:1DE3MusicSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteSFX panel 3
$7E:1EBBPointersSuper Mario Bros. 33 bytesPointer to level object data (SNES Address, Little endian)
$7E:1F9CSprite NumberSuper Mario Bros. 32 bytesSmoke image sprite number

TODO: Verify length
$7E:1F9FY PositionSuper Mario Bros. 32 bytesSmoke image Y position.

TODO: Verify length
$7E:1FA2X PositionSuper Mario Bros. 32 bytesSmoke image X position.

TODO: Verify length
$7E:1FC8Sprite NumberSuper Mario Bros. 38 bytesExtended sprite number. $15 = laser from Bowser's Castle

TODO: Verify length, get list of values
$7E:2000Map16Super Mario Bros. 228672 bytesLayer 1 Map16 table for the entire level, low byte.
$7E:2000Map16 TileSuper Mario Bros. 145056 bytesLayer 2 Map16 Tiles
$7E:9000Map16Super Mario Bros. 228672 bytesLayer 1 Map16 table for the entire level, high byte.
$7E:D000Map16 TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 13328 bytesLayer 2 Map16 tilemap
$7F:2000Map16Super Mario Bros. 240960 bytesLayer 2 Map16 table for the entire level.
$7F:3000Map16Super Mario Bros. 12688 bytesLayer 3 Map16 tilemap, read upon level load for the individual VRAM tiles located around $04:BD09.

TODO: Confirm size, size of ROM address, format of ROM address, and $7F2000 & $7F2004,x
$7F:8000VRAM TilemapGame select screen800 bytesTilemap buffer for BG1.
$7F:9000HDMASuper Mario Bros. 3959 bytesWindowing HDMA table.

TODO: Verify length. Having an odd number for a windowing table is odd.
$7F:9200PaletteHall screen200 bytesPalette buffer.
$7F:9200PaletteGame select screen200 bytesPalette buffer.
$7F:C000Map16Super Mario Bros. 22400 bytesLayer 3 Map16 table for the current room.