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SNES OffsetTypeGameLengthDescription
$00:82CEPointersOther10 bytesNMI routine pointers based on each game, 2 bytes for each pointer. 1st pointer = Game Select, 2nd = SMB1, 3rd = SMB:TLL, 4th = SMB2, 5th = SMB3
$00:8362PointersOther10 bytesIRQ routine pointers based on each game, 2 bytes for each pointer. 1st pointer = Game Select, 2nd = SMB1, 3rd = SMB:TLL, 4th = SMB2, 5th = SMB3
$00:9307VRAM Tilemap (Text)Other192 bytes"Not compatible" error message. Format: $TT,$PP,repeat where TT is the tile and PP is the properties in YXPCCCTT.
$00:9307VRAM Tilemap (Text)Other192 bytesError message tilemap: Tile, properties, tile, etc. Text says "THIS GAME PAK IS NOT DESIGINED FOR YOUR SUPER FAMICOM OR SUPER NES. NINTENDO CO.,LTD.". This error message triggers when your SNES is PAL.
$00:9383PaletteOther2 bytesFirst color of the "pirated" message. Palette $00, color $0C.
$00:9389PaletteOther2 bytesSecond color of the "pirated" message. Palette $00, color $0D.
$00:938FPaletteOther2 bytesThird color of the "pirated" message. Palette $00, color $0E.
$00:9395PaletteOther2 bytesFourth color of the "pirated" message. Palette $00, color $0F.
$00:93C7RoutineOther322 bytes"Incompatible SNES" message routine
$00:93ECPaletteOther20 bytesColors of the "Not compatible" error message.
$00:93EC2 bytesFirst color of the "not compatible" message. Palette $00, color $0C.
$00:93F22 bytesSecond color of the "not compatible" message. Palette $00, color $0D.
$00:93F82 bytesThird color of the "not compatible" message. Palette $00, color $0E.
$00:93FE2 bytesFourth color of the "not compatible" message. Palette $00, color $0F.
$00:9509VRAM Tilemap (Text)Other312 bytes"Serious crime" pirated message. Format is the same as the "Not Compatible" message.
$00:9641RoutineOther190 bytesPirated ROM message routine.
$00:965AMusicOther1 byteWhich music to play at the "Pirated" message. Default value fades out the music.
$00:9780HDMAOther514 bytesUsed in "peach saved" sequence at the end of SMB1 and SMB:TLL for the windowing HDMA circle which expands. Format = unknown. TODO: Figure out the format
$00:9C8DTimerOther1 byteNintendo presents blink time. The higher the number, the sooner the logo will blink. Max number is $7F, min number is $01. Other numbers won't make it blink at all
$00:9C91Sound EffectOther1 byteNintendo presents blink SFX. Caution: Uses other samples than the games themselves, so -some- SFX might sound glitched such as $03.
$00:A017OAM Tile NumberOther20 bytesNintendo presents logo tilemap (16x16 tiles)
$00:A02FOAM Tile Y PositionOther1 byteNintendo presents logo Y position.
$00:A033OAM Tile X PositionOther1 byteNintendo presents logo X position
$00:A052OAM Tile SizeOther1 byteNintendo presents logo tile sizes. $02 = 16x16, $00 = 8x8
$00:A072TimerOther4 bytesNintendo presents logo blinks duration. Change to [00 00 00 00] to make the logo keep its blinking color after the blink.
$00:A076PaletteOther48 bytesNintendo presents logo blinking colors. Format is currently unknown? TODO: Figure out the color
$03:DC62EmptyOther15 bytesEmpty, unused space
$03:EBD9EmptyOther55 bytesEmpty, unused space
$03:FFDEEmptyOther34 bytesEmpty, unused space
$04:BE89EmptyOther237 bytesEmpty, unused space.
$04:D776EmptyOther138 bytesEmpty, unused space.
$04:FDEFEmptyOther529 bytesEmpty, unused space.
$07:FCC0SPC-700Other832 bytesPart 1 of the entire SMAS SPC-700 engine (ASM)
$3B:8000SPC-700Other3625 bytesPart 2 of the entire SMAS SPC-700 engine (ASM)