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SNES OffsetTypeGameLengthDescription
$7E:0010CounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteFrame Counter
$7E:0014PlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 bytePlayer's X-position, high byte.
$7E:0015SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprites' X-position, high byte.
$7E:001EPlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 bytePlayer's Y-position, high byte.
$7E:001FSpritesSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprites' Y-position, high byte.
$7E:0028PlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 bytePlayer's X position, low byte
$7E:0029SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprites' X-position, low byte. First three bytes also used for movement of bonus slots. 00 = stop, 01 = slowing down, 02-FF = not slowing down.
$7E:0032PlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 bytePlayer's Y-Position, low byte
$7E:0033SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprites' Y-position, low byte. $7E0038-9 is speed of bonus slot 1's images. $7E003A-B is speed of bonus slot 2's images.
$7E:003CSpeedSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteSpeed of one of bonus slot 3's images. Also used for player's speed.
$7E:003DSpritesSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprite X speed table. $3D is also used for speed of the other of bonus slot 3's images.
$7E:0046PlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 bytePlayer's Y-speed
$7E:0047SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprite Y speed table
$7E:0051SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprite status table. 00 = non-existant/init, 01 = main, 02 = falling from screen, 03 = flat, 04 = explode, 05 = disappear in a puff of smoke, 06 = dissolving sand, 07 = stop interacting, 08 = disappear in two puffs of smoke, 09 = disappear abruptly
$7E:0082PlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of time to remain in a player state.
$7E:008FPlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteCurrent player. #$00 = Mario; #$01 = Peach; #$02 = Toad; #$03 = Luigi.
$7E:0090Sprite NumberSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprite num table
$7E:009CFlagSuper Mario Bros. 21 bytePlayer holding item flag ($01 = Holding.)
$7E:009DPlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 bytePlayer's Direction ($00 = Left, $01 = Right)
$7E:00A2CounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAlternative Frame Counter (Stops at times)
$7E:00A8SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 29 bytesSprite is picked up table. 07 = sprite = bottom at player, 01 = top, 00 = normal state
$7E:00D9PointersSuper Mario Bros. 22 bytes16-bit pointer to Layer 1 room data.
$7E:00EBFlagSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteHorizontal level flag. #$00 = Vertical level; #$01 = Horizontal level.
$7E:00F0PointersSuper Mario Bros. 23 bytesIndirect pointer to load a layer image from. Controlled by $11.
$7E:00F6Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteController Data 1. AXSPUDLR. All frames.
$7E:00FAHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteController Data 2. AXSPUDLR. 1 frame.
$7E:00FEHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteBrightness Register
$7E:00FFHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteNMI / Joypad Enable
$7E:0200Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 22 bytesBG 1 X position
$7E:0202Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 22 bytesBG 2 X position
$7E:0204Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 22 bytesBG 3 X position
$7E:0206Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 22 bytesBG 1 Y Position, works together with $04C6 (low byte)
$7E:0208Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 22 bytesBG 2 Y position
$7E:020AHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 22 bytesBG 3 Y position
$7E:0235Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteWindow Mask for BG1 & BG2
$7E:0236Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteWindow Mask for BG3 & BG4
$7E:0237Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteWindow Mask for OBJ & COL
$7E:0238Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteColor addition select
$7E:0239Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteCGADSUB settings
$7E:023AHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteHDMA Enable
$7E:023BHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteWindow Mask Desig. Main Screen
$7E:023DHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 23 bytesRGB Values for backdrop color
$7E:0243Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteMain Screen Designation
$7E:024BHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteV-count for IRQ. Starry BG appears at screen load.
$7E:024CHardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteBG1 Tilemap Address & Size
$7E:02A9FlagSuper Mario Bros. 21 byte(Don't) update palettes flag.
$7E:02DFPointersSuper Mario Bros. 23 bytesLayer 2 Map16 data pointer.
$7E:04B5FlagSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteCrystal ball has been collected flag, height of opened mouth of hawkmouth.
$7E:04B7CounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteHow long the dark potion rooms last.
$7E:04C3CounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteHP count. (Red hearts.)
$7E:04C4MiscellaneousSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of hearts to show + 2.
$7E:04C6Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteBG 1 Y (low byte) position, works together with $0206. Used for effects such as the POW.
$7E:04E1TimerSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteFlashing timer, can kill enemies.
$7E:04E8CounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAccumulative level number to continue on.
$7E:04E9Level DataSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteCurrent room to continue on.
$7E:04EALevel DataSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteScreen number to continue on.
$7E:04EDLevel DataSuper Mario Bros. 21 byte0 = don't go out of level, 1 = go to player select screen, 2 = go to Game Over screen, 3 = go to bonus game, 4-FF = go to warp screen.
$7E:04EECounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteCurrent amount of lives.
$7E:04EFMiscellaneousSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteJar type. 0 = warp jar, 1 = regular jar, 2 = 'enclosed' jar
$7E:0500SpritesSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of time sprites are frozen. (Stopwatch.)
$7E:0533Level DataSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAccumulative level number
$7E:0534Level DataSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteCurrent room
$7E:0535Level DataSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteScreen number to start out on.
$7E:05A5TimerSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteHow long it takes Phanto to initially take off after grabbing a key. Starts at #$A0
$7E:0620FlagSuper Mario Bros. 21 byte1UP has been collected flag.
$7E:0628Level DataSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteIn potion room or not. #$00 = regular level, #$01 = jar, #$02 = potion room.
$7E:0629Level DataSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteLevel number without world number added
$7E:062ACounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of cherries collected
$7E:062BCounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of coins you have for the bonus game
$7E:062DLevel DataSuper Mario Bros. 24 bytesAmount of levels completed per character table.
$7E:0635WorldSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteWorld number.
$7E:06C2PlayerSuper Mario Bros. 21 bytePlayer is shrinking or growing
$7E:0744PointersSuper Mario Bros. 23 bytesLayer 3 Map16 data pointer.
$7E:074EGraphicsSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteEnable Layer 3 image. Also controls which Layer 3 image to load.
$7E:0772FlagSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteLayer 3 transparency flag. (Layer 3 in front of Layer 2) Used for light beams in cave levels.
$7E:0775Hardware MirrorSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteBG Mode / Character Size / Layer 3 priority
$7E:0782TimerSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of times 'No Bonus' should flash. (Up to 7F)
$7E:0783TimerSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of frames 'No Bonus' remains present or not. (00 slowest, 01 fastest)
$7E:078ATimerSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of time to wait before changing music back to the original level music again. Used for several occasions like the Crystal Ball collecting scene.
$7E:0800OAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 2544 bytesOAM table.
$7E:0A20OAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 2128 bytesTable that determines the size of a sprite's tile - 8x8 (#$00) or 16x16 (#$02). Each byte corresponds to 4 OAM bytes. Stores to $0A00-$0A1F (where each 2 bits correspond to 4 OAM bytes.)
$7E:0B00PaletteSuper Mario Bros. 2512 bytesCGRAM (palette) table.
$7E:116CVRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 214 bytesLine of white squares to display how many levels there are in current world. 2 bytes per tile. 1st byte = tilemap, 2nd byte = properties.
$7E:118EVRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteWorld number in beginning of level display tilemap
$7E:118FVRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteWorld number in beginning of level display properties
$7E:1190VRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteDash in beginning of level display tilemap
$7E:1191VRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteDash in beginning of level display properties
$7E:1192VRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteLevel number in beginning of level display tilemap
$7E:1193VRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteLevel number in beginning of level display properties
$7E:11B4CounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of lives in char. select, 10s
$7E:11B5VRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteProperties of lives in char. select, 10s
$7E:11B6CounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of lives in char. select, 1s
$7E:11B7VRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteProperties of lives in char. select, 1s
$7E:11BDVRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 26 bytesTilemap and properties of number of 'World
$7E:1408CounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of coins in bonus game, 10s (if low byte is a blank tile, this is used as 1s)
$7E:1409VRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteProperties of coins in bonus game, 10s
$7E:140ACounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of coins in bonus game, 1s
$7E:140BVRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteProperties of coins in bonus game, 1s
$7E:142ACounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of lives in bonus game, 10s
$7E:142BVRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteProperties of lives in bonus game, 10s
$7E:142CCounterSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteAmount of lives in bonus game, 1s
$7E:142DVRAM TilemapSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteProperties of lives in bonus game, 1s
$7E:1DE0MusicSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteSFX panel 1
$7E:1DE1MusicSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteSFX panel 2
$7E:1DE2MusicSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteCurrent Music
$7E:1DE3MusicSuper Mario Bros. 21 byteSFX panel 3
$7E:2000Map16Super Mario Bros. 228672 bytesLayer 1 Map16 table for the entire level, low byte.
$7E:9000Map16Super Mario Bros. 228672 bytesLayer 1 Map16 table for the entire level, high byte.
$7F:2000Map16Super Mario Bros. 240960 bytesLayer 2 Map16 table for the entire level.
$7F:C000Map16Super Mario Bros. 22400 bytesLayer 3 Map16 table for the current room.